Knight Rider
Knight Rider is a TV movie based on the iconic 1980s series that originally starred David Hasselhoff. The original series revolved around a former cop cut down in the line of duty and left for dead, but is soon recovered by a clandestine law enforcement agency who surgically alter his appearance, change his identity, and provide him with an incredibly powerful talking car that aids him in opposing criminal forces that operate above the reach of traditional law enforcement.
Years later, Michael and KITT have vanished, but their legacy has not been forgotten. Now the wayward lost son of Michael joins F.L.A.G., with a new team and as the driver of the all-new Knight Industries Three Thousand, seeks to continue the fight begun by the original team.
_._._._._._._. _._._._._._._. _._._._._._._. _._._._._._._. _._._._._._._. Sursa
Serialul este la inceput,in sezonul 1, si are 6 episoade aparute.
ps:de obicei episoadele noi le gasiti la mine in share.
Knight Rider - 2008
Re: Knight Rider - 2008
Din cate am auzit KR-2008 este jenant. Plus ca are sanse f. mari de anulare. Mai curand as revedea serialul din anii '80.
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Re: Knight Rider - 2008
intr-adevar serialul este destul de prost ... dar ma uit in special pentru ca imi place masina
si cum filme bune apar tot mai rar , uai not ?
si cum filme bune apar tot mai rar , uai not ?
Academician, profesor, doctor, inginer, honoris cauza si premiul Nobel
Re: Knight Rider - 2008
Status: Canceled/Ended