Nota : Creatiile sunt aproximativ in ordine cronologica pentru a se observa si partiala evolutie,repet aproximativ.
Daca vreti sa va dati o parere uitati-va la toate,nu doar la primele.Ultimele sunt creatiile cele mai recente,deci acelea sunt cele pe care trebuie sa le criticati.Stiu ca sunt multe,dar asta e.
Manipulare :
Flat design:
Wallpaper :
Pixel art :
'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts.'
'Many things that seem threatening in the dark,become more welcoming when we shine a light on them'
'Nothing is impossible,the word itself says <i'm possible>'
'Think free,Live free,Be free!'
'Every saint has a past every sinner has a future'
'Maybe for the world you are just a person,but for a person you are the entire world'
Nu sunt obisnuit sa fac cadouri,dar fie..
Am facut pe dimensiunille forumului cu tema forumului + text ilogicgroup,ca sa fiu sigur ca il folosesti aici si nu pe alte comunitati .
'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts.'
'Many things that seem threatening in the dark,become more welcoming when we shine a light on them'
'Nothing is impossible,the word itself says <i'm possible>'
'Think free,Live free,Be free!'
'Every saint has a past every sinner has a future'
'Maybe for the world you are just a person,but for a person you are the entire world'
'The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts.'
'Many things that seem threatening in the dark,become more welcoming when we shine a light on them'
'Nothing is impossible,the word itself says <i'm possible>'
'Think free,Live free,Be free!'
'Every saint has a past every sinner has a future'
'Maybe for the world you are just a person,but for a person you are the entire world'