Vazand asemanarile din videoclipurile postate de mine...pot spune ca e filmat tot in Canada o parte din video, asa-i?
Re: Pink Floyd
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 13:39
by TiTex
da , tot pe acolo a fost filmat o parte din din clipul de mai sus
The music video was directed by Storm Thorgerson and filmed on West Wind Ridge, a mountain in Kananaskis Country near Canmore, located some 50 to 75 km west of the city of Calgary, Alberta
Re: Pink Floyd
Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 13:47
by paX
The music video was directed by Storm Thorgerson and filmed on West Wind Ridge, a mountain in Kananaskis Country near Canmore, located some 50 to 75 km west of the city of Calgary, Alberta
Lol, ai fost mai rapid.... Learning to fly mi-a venit in minte cand ma uitam la clipul tau.
Re: Pink Floyd
Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 01:30
by paX
Secventele din clip sunt din filmul "Pink Floyd The Wall", facut de cei de la "Pink Floyd":