Patch recomandat: 1.006
Aveti nevoie de:
- Red Alert 2 instalat
- Patch-ul 1.006 pe care il puteti downloada de aici
- Robattle Westwood Patch pe care il puteti downloada de aici
Instructiuni conectare:
1. Instalati RA21006EN.exe si robattle_westwood_patch.exe .
2. Porniti Red Alert 2, dati click Internet, Custom Match .
3. Important!!!!
Daca va cere sa va logati, scrieti orice username si o parola de exact 8 cifre, ca si cum ati avea deja cont . Daca nu exista alt utilizator cu acelasi nume, contul va va fi creat pe loc .
4. Creati un joc sau alaturati-va unuia deja facut. Nu uitati sa folositi butonul Refresh din stanga sus pentru a actualiza lista de jocuri.
Distractie placuta !!!
Pentru a juca in conditii cat mai bune(fara lag), dupa ce ati pornit jocul dati click pe butonul din dreapta sus si setati la conexiune fast. Incurajati hostul sa faca acelasi lucru . Daca tot sunt probleme incercati cu celalalte valori .
Haideti la un Ra2
Ghid Red Alert 2 pe Internet & Network (Hamachi)
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Ghid Red Alert 2 pe Internet & Network (Hamachi)
Academician, profesor, doctor, inginer, honoris cauza si premiul Nobel
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Re: Ghid Red Alert 2 pe Internet & Network (Hamachi)
This guide will instruct you as to how to play Red Alert 2, or it's expansion pack, Yuri's Revenge over the Internet.
As of Current, Red Alert 2 is no longer supported by Westwood nor by EA. However, they do sponsor an alternative ladder run by a certain community. To play on this server simply log in with your desired nickname and password (Must be 8 characters). The username you enter must be unique otherwise you will be relegated to an empty lobby, with a nickname already exist or wrong password message in the chat box. For most reasons, however, you will probably recieve an invalid key message. What this means is that you won't be playing Red Alert 2 on this server.
To really help you further, this guide will help you by teaching you how to overcome this restriction. One way, as I suggested, would be to run Red Alert 2 on a different server. A server that does not discriminate between the valids and the invalids. The other, a more prudent and difficult way, is to emulate lan.
There are benefits to both methods. But who cares about that ,if all you want to do is just play. So, follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to be playing Red Alert 2 in no time.
PvPgn Server
This is the other server method, potentially the easiest if not safest method of playing Red Alert 2 online. Here's how you do it:
1. Click Start, click Run, type \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
2. A screen will pop out asking how you want the file to be opened, select notepad, or any other text editor. Copy the following lines into the hosts file:
4. Save it.
5. Start Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge
6. Click Internet
7. Log in with a unique nickname of your choosing. Type in a desired password. (Password must be 8 characters, no exceptions.) The first time you log in, it will be an auto-register.
8. Select custom games.
9. You will now enter the USA Bunker game lobby, in here you will be able to create or join games. If there are players, a game should appear in the column to your left. Should that not happen, you must wait. It is highly recommended that you exit Red Alert 2 and log on with the Westwood Chat Program.
Note: You will need Internet Components installed. It is important that you have similar versions of Red Alert as with the person you want to play with.
Westwood Chat
It is highly recommended that you try this optional westwood chat program to chat or wait for other players (appear online without loading the full Red Alert 2 Program). If you have followed the PvpGn server instructions, you won't need to do further setting up. Download and install, then start the program, and log in with the nickname and password that you have auto-registered. Once in, Double click Chat Channels, then scroll down and select Red_Alert_2-1. If you have difficulty following this instructions. Follow the alternative pictorial method. In-game it will appear as if you are in Red Alert 2 USA Bunker. Once you have found someone to play with, start Red Alert 2 and create or join the game with that person.
TroubleShooting Should there be trouble for you. Try these steps:
â— Download and run WOL Server connection tool enter the server IP in the first and the second box and click Set (XWIS). As an example take the server with the IP:
â— Update Red Alert 2 to the latest 1.006 patch or 1.001 patch for Yuri's Revenge. As you can only play Red Alert 2 with other player with similar versions.
â— Install Red Alert 2 with Internet Components.
â— Try setting Red Alert 2 as an allowable object in your windows firewall. In certain cases, try disabling windows firewall entirell
Emulating Lan
This method will require you to download a third-party software, called Hamachi. Hamachi will be an integral part of this method should you choose to do it.
1. Download and Install Hamachi basic (You can get it free from their website
2. Update your Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge to the latest version. And that would be 1.006 for Ra2 and 1.001 patch. This is not a required step, but assuming almost everybody as done so, it would be prudent if you do so too, to prevent future connection difficulties. As you can only play with someone with a similar version.
Choosing the Protocols
Protocol is the language computers use to communicate, in our case, Red Alert 2 uses to communicate with other Red Alert 2s. Red Alert 2 uses the IPX protocol. Which is currently outdated, what this means is that there is little if not no support for it. Furthermore, Windows Vista does not support the IPX protocol. This problem can be solved by using a patch to change Red Alert 2's IPX protocol into a UDP protocol. UDP is currently widely supported. And should present it self as the defacto way to play Red Alert 2 on LAN. However that is not the case. Certain players on the Hamachi networks, for some reason, still flock to play on IPX. As such, this guide will teach you how to configure both.
UDP 1. Download the UnderStorm Red Alert 2 Patch from" onclick=";return false; and copy "wsock32.dll" from the downloaded archive to the root folder of your Red Alert 2 installation.
2. Click Start, click Run, type ncpa.cpl , and then click OK.
3. You can see the available connections in the LAN and High-Speed Internet section of the Network Connections window.
4. On the Advanced menu, click Advanced Settings, and then click the Adapters and Bindings tab
5. In the Connections area, select the Hamachi connection that you want to move higher in the list. Use the arrow buttons to move the connection to the top.
6. Restart your computer.
7. Make sure that all Players have joined the the same hamachi network
8. Start Red Alert 2
9. From the main menu, choose Options->Network, Select Network Card, the one starting with 00 00 00 00:00 00 00 00, leave the other stuff empty, click OK This is important to ensure that you select the UDP adapter, otherwise the network won't work. Ensure that you reselect the adapter, even if it is already selected.
10. Back to main menu->Network.
11. When you do this you will be seeing your friends if they did the same
1. Click Start, click Run, type ncpa.cpl , and then click OK.
2. You can see the available connections in the LAN and High-Speed Internet section of the Network Connections window.
3. Right-Click on Local Area Network, select properties.
4. Click Install or Press Alt N
5. Select Protocols
7. Install it.
8. If you have tried out the UDP protocol and have placed the "wsock32.dll" patch file into your root folder, you will need to remove it
9. There are further things you can do, and in some cases must do, but this guide will not dwel into that.
* Toggling from UDP to IPX only requires removal of patch file and vice versa
* As to all the solutions presented will also work for modded red alert 2 versions, as long as all players have the same game version
Hamachi Networks
If you haven't any friends to play with, there are a number of Hamachi Networks online that you could join. There may be difficulty in joining a number of these networks as most of them, due to a limitations of Hamachi that restrict the number of connected users to a network. As such it is therefore recommended that you try out the PvpGn server whenever possible.
* Network name :ra2hamachi Pw: ra2 Constantly Full
* Network name : redalert2008 Pw : 2008 Constantly Full
* Network name : rahamachi2 Pw: ra2 Constantly Full
* Network name : yurirev Pw: 123 Constantly Full
* Network name : redalert2yuri Pw: ra2 Constantly Full
* Network name : Pw: 123
Widescreen support
Go to your gamedir, and open/edit ra2.Ini with wordpad.Find these lines(ctrl+f):
Edit the values of screenwidth and screenheight to set your resolution. Note that ra2 uses 16 bit color, and if your system can handle a specific resolution at 32 bit color but not 16 bit color, ra2 will not run at that resolution. As far as i can tell, setting stretchmovies to yes does absolutely nothing. If you have yuri's revenge installed, do the same for ra2md.Ini.
Link from where was tutorial copy: ... ed_Alert_2" onclick=";return false;
Things You'll Need
* Logmein Hamachi (" onclick=";return false;)
*" onclick=";return false; Red Alert 2 UDP LAN Patch
* Red Alert 2
* Optionally Yuri's Revenge
As of Current, Red Alert 2 is no longer supported by Westwood nor by EA. However, they do sponsor an alternative ladder run by a certain community. To play on this server simply log in with your desired nickname and password (Must be 8 characters). The username you enter must be unique otherwise you will be relegated to an empty lobby, with a nickname already exist or wrong password message in the chat box. For most reasons, however, you will probably recieve an invalid key message. What this means is that you won't be playing Red Alert 2 on this server.
To really help you further, this guide will help you by teaching you how to overcome this restriction. One way, as I suggested, would be to run Red Alert 2 on a different server. A server that does not discriminate between the valids and the invalids. The other, a more prudent and difficult way, is to emulate lan.
There are benefits to both methods. But who cares about that ,if all you want to do is just play. So, follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to be playing Red Alert 2 in no time.
PvPgn Server
This is the other server method, potentially the easiest if not safest method of playing Red Alert 2 online. Here's how you do it:
1. Click Start, click Run, type \WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
2. A screen will pop out asking how you want the file to be opened, select notepad, or any other text editor. Copy the following lines into the hosts file:
4. Save it.
5. Start Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge
6. Click Internet
7. Log in with a unique nickname of your choosing. Type in a desired password. (Password must be 8 characters, no exceptions.) The first time you log in, it will be an auto-register.
8. Select custom games.
9. You will now enter the USA Bunker game lobby, in here you will be able to create or join games. If there are players, a game should appear in the column to your left. Should that not happen, you must wait. It is highly recommended that you exit Red Alert 2 and log on with the Westwood Chat Program.
Note: You will need Internet Components installed. It is important that you have similar versions of Red Alert as with the person you want to play with.
Westwood Chat
It is highly recommended that you try this optional westwood chat program to chat or wait for other players (appear online without loading the full Red Alert 2 Program). If you have followed the PvpGn server instructions, you won't need to do further setting up. Download and install, then start the program, and log in with the nickname and password that you have auto-registered. Once in, Double click Chat Channels, then scroll down and select Red_Alert_2-1. If you have difficulty following this instructions. Follow the alternative pictorial method. In-game it will appear as if you are in Red Alert 2 USA Bunker. Once you have found someone to play with, start Red Alert 2 and create or join the game with that person.
TroubleShooting Should there be trouble for you. Try these steps:
â— Download and run WOL Server connection tool enter the server IP in the first and the second box and click Set (XWIS). As an example take the server with the IP:
â— Update Red Alert 2 to the latest 1.006 patch or 1.001 patch for Yuri's Revenge. As you can only play Red Alert 2 with other player with similar versions.
â— Install Red Alert 2 with Internet Components.
â— Try setting Red Alert 2 as an allowable object in your windows firewall. In certain cases, try disabling windows firewall entirell
Emulating Lan
This method will require you to download a third-party software, called Hamachi. Hamachi will be an integral part of this method should you choose to do it.
1. Download and Install Hamachi basic (You can get it free from their website
2. Update your Red Alert 2 or Yuri's Revenge to the latest version. And that would be 1.006 for Ra2 and 1.001 patch. This is not a required step, but assuming almost everybody as done so, it would be prudent if you do so too, to prevent future connection difficulties. As you can only play with someone with a similar version.
Choosing the Protocols
Protocol is the language computers use to communicate, in our case, Red Alert 2 uses to communicate with other Red Alert 2s. Red Alert 2 uses the IPX protocol. Which is currently outdated, what this means is that there is little if not no support for it. Furthermore, Windows Vista does not support the IPX protocol. This problem can be solved by using a patch to change Red Alert 2's IPX protocol into a UDP protocol. UDP is currently widely supported. And should present it self as the defacto way to play Red Alert 2 on LAN. However that is not the case. Certain players on the Hamachi networks, for some reason, still flock to play on IPX. As such, this guide will teach you how to configure both.
UDP 1. Download the UnderStorm Red Alert 2 Patch from" onclick=";return false; and copy "wsock32.dll" from the downloaded archive to the root folder of your Red Alert 2 installation.
2. Click Start, click Run, type ncpa.cpl , and then click OK.
3. You can see the available connections in the LAN and High-Speed Internet section of the Network Connections window.
4. On the Advanced menu, click Advanced Settings, and then click the Adapters and Bindings tab
5. In the Connections area, select the Hamachi connection that you want to move higher in the list. Use the arrow buttons to move the connection to the top.
6. Restart your computer.
7. Make sure that all Players have joined the the same hamachi network
8. Start Red Alert 2
9. From the main menu, choose Options->Network, Select Network Card, the one starting with 00 00 00 00:00 00 00 00, leave the other stuff empty, click OK This is important to ensure that you select the UDP adapter, otherwise the network won't work. Ensure that you reselect the adapter, even if it is already selected.
10. Back to main menu->Network.
11. When you do this you will be seeing your friends if they did the same
1. Click Start, click Run, type ncpa.cpl , and then click OK.
2. You can see the available connections in the LAN and High-Speed Internet section of the Network Connections window.
3. Right-Click on Local Area Network, select properties.
4. Click Install or Press Alt N
5. Select Protocols
7. Install it.
8. If you have tried out the UDP protocol and have placed the "wsock32.dll" patch file into your root folder, you will need to remove it
9. There are further things you can do, and in some cases must do, but this guide will not dwel into that.
* Toggling from UDP to IPX only requires removal of patch file and vice versa
* As to all the solutions presented will also work for modded red alert 2 versions, as long as all players have the same game version
Hamachi Networks
If you haven't any friends to play with, there are a number of Hamachi Networks online that you could join. There may be difficulty in joining a number of these networks as most of them, due to a limitations of Hamachi that restrict the number of connected users to a network. As such it is therefore recommended that you try out the PvpGn server whenever possible.
* Network name :ra2hamachi Pw: ra2 Constantly Full
* Network name : redalert2008 Pw : 2008 Constantly Full
* Network name : rahamachi2 Pw: ra2 Constantly Full
* Network name : yurirev Pw: 123 Constantly Full
* Network name : redalert2yuri Pw: ra2 Constantly Full
* Network name : Pw: 123
Widescreen support
Go to your gamedir, and open/edit ra2.Ini with wordpad.Find these lines(ctrl+f):
Edit the values of screenwidth and screenheight to set your resolution. Note that ra2 uses 16 bit color, and if your system can handle a specific resolution at 32 bit color but not 16 bit color, ra2 will not run at that resolution. As far as i can tell, setting stretchmovies to yes does absolutely nothing. If you have yuri's revenge installed, do the same for ra2md.Ini.
Link from where was tutorial copy: ... ed_Alert_2" onclick=";return false;
Things You'll Need
* Logmein Hamachi (" onclick=";return false;)
*" onclick=";return false; Red Alert 2 UDP LAN Patch
* Red Alert 2
* Optionally Yuri's Revenge
Academician, profesor, doctor, inginer, honoris cauza si premiul Nobel
Re: Ghid Red Alert 2 pe Internet & Network (Hamachi)
nu e red alert 3 mai fain? intreb pentru ca ra2 nu am jucat. apropo se poate juca si ra3 in multiplayer prin hamachi
Re: Ghid Red Alert 2 pe Internet & Network (Hamachi)
Da dar Red alert 2 Yuri's Revenge ce ziceti ??? Nu gasiti uitati aici -edited- si pt. al instala va trebuie Daemon Tools . Spor la cucerit.
Last edited by fpz0r on Tue Sep 01, 2009 00:52, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Citeste regula nr:4
Reason: Citeste regula nr:4
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Re: Ghid Red Alert 2 pe Internet & Network (Hamachi)
care aveti chef de un Ra2 mai tarziu ?
Academician, profesor, doctor, inginer, honoris cauza si premiul Nobel
Re: Ghid Red Alert 2 pe Internet & Network (Hamachi)
Hmm n-am mai jucat ra2 de 7 ani da o sal cobor cand am timp si o sa jucam